Brent McIntyre
Good evening all,
I am having a problem where when I have the code listed below unREMed
(Not good english, but I am sure you know what I mean) the program falls
over on opening causing Microsoft Excel XP to crash in a major way, when
I have it REMed out the program works fine. I have been through all my
code, approximately twenty A3 pages and checked every section this is
the only one causing the issue. Before I went over the whole document
it would only crash every second and subsequent time you loaded it, but
now it crashes everytime, great programming skills hey ? I tried
putting a msgbox in the exit code to see if it was being called when it
caused the crash but it is does not appear before the crash happens.
I have done a fair bit of programming in VBA and never come across this
before. I created a new document from scratch and pasted all code in to
make sure the base document is not corrupt and it still doesn't work.
Any help you may be able to provide would be greatly appreciated, I have
just rolled this software out to 1500 users, it was working when I and
others in the office tested it but of course it is not now.
Yours sincerely,
Brent McIntyre
This procedure is only called by clicking the Exit button or when you
cancel via the cross in the top right hand corner of the userform.
Public Sub UserForm_Exit_Allowed()
MsgBox("What is going on ?")
Unload UserForm_Main
' Workbooks(WorkBook_Name).Worksheets(1).Activate
' Workbooks(WorkBook_Name).Save
' Workbooks(WorkBook_Name).Close
Application.StatusBar = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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I am having a problem where when I have the code listed below unREMed
(Not good english, but I am sure you know what I mean) the program falls
over on opening causing Microsoft Excel XP to crash in a major way, when
I have it REMed out the program works fine. I have been through all my
code, approximately twenty A3 pages and checked every section this is
the only one causing the issue. Before I went over the whole document
it would only crash every second and subsequent time you loaded it, but
now it crashes everytime, great programming skills hey ? I tried
putting a msgbox in the exit code to see if it was being called when it
caused the crash but it is does not appear before the crash happens.
I have done a fair bit of programming in VBA and never come across this
before. I created a new document from scratch and pasted all code in to
make sure the base document is not corrupt and it still doesn't work.
Any help you may be able to provide would be greatly appreciated, I have
just rolled this software out to 1500 users, it was working when I and
others in the office tested it but of course it is not now.
Yours sincerely,
Brent McIntyre
This procedure is only called by clicking the Exit button or when you
cancel via the cross in the top right hand corner of the userform.
Public Sub UserForm_Exit_Allowed()
MsgBox("What is going on ?")
Unload UserForm_Main
' Workbooks(WorkBook_Name).Worksheets(1).Activate
' Workbooks(WorkBook_Name).Save
' Workbooks(WorkBook_Name).Close
Application.StatusBar = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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