opening access db from html link - bug?




I had an access db that I could open from an html link using internet
explorer. I made some modifications to the db and after, the db wouldn't
open from the html link anymore. Actually, the db did open, but it wasn't
displayed. There was a process for MSACCESS and the db did generate a lck
file indicating that it was open. But nothing was displayed, possibly the db
was encountering a dead lock.

I quickly investigated and found that the event form_oncurrent was the cause
of the problem.
I'm not sure how to fix it or if I was doing something wrong. The problem is
not specific to that particular db because I could do a quick test to
reproduce the problem.
Here is what I did for the quick test:
(btw, I'm using internet explorer 6 and access 2000)
I opened access and created a new database. I called the db test.mdb and I
created a one-column table (the contents or design of the table doesn't
I created an empty form (it does not matter what's on the form...for
testing, i did not put anything on it).
I set the form to startup when the database is opened ("tools" from
menu->"startup" to bring the Startup dialog, and choose the form for
"Display Form/Page")

Later I created an html:
<html><body><a href="test.mdb">test</a></body></html>

in IE, clicking on the link should open the database (will prompt for
open/save, selecting open will open it).

Next, I modified the form in the database. The only modification done was
creating a Form_OnCurrent event. I left the code in the function empty (I
can put in functional code there, but for the test I left it empty).

Now, when I try opening the db from the html again, the db will not display!

Anyone know how to fix this problem or even heard of it?

Thanks in advance.


Anne Winder

I think I've encountered the same problem. I am not the creator of
the DB so I can't say for sure, but the same thing happens when I try
to open. The funny thing is, the first time I accessed the DB it
worked fine. It's been every single try since, that hasn't worked.
This particualr DB is using workgroup security features as well.

Did you ever find an answer to this? I'd love to hear it.


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