Access XP actually uses the default a2000 file format. So, if you do noting
at all in a2002 (xp), then the file can be used by a2000.
However, if the user specifically makes a a2002 file, then the access 2002
user must export (convert) the file to a2000 file format before sending it
to you.
If you are trying to run a mixed environment, then you simply use the a2000
file format, or run a split mdb, and then you can even mix versions of
application code (but, the data part sill must be in a format that all
versions can read. This actually means you could run access97, access2000,
access2002, and access2003 on different pc's in the office, but hey can all
still share a common back end database.). You have to split to do this magic
(but, we all as budding developers split our applcitons anyway..right!).
However, if the file is in fact in a2002 format, then the previous version
cannot open it (of course, this applies to Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and just
about every piece software for the last 20 years written in our industry).
So, those packages easily go forward, and most packages can "save" to a
previous version, but old versions never could open newer versions of
software (since they don't have the same features).