Opening and closing documents



I recently purchased a new computer. The OS is Windows 7 64-bit. I used Easy
Transfer to transfer Word documents from my old computer. An odd thing I
noticed was that each file after the transfer had 'docx' on the end. Now on
to the problem.

When opening Microsoft Office Word 2007 I get an error message that reads:

'Your AutoCorrect file,
C:\Users\Gordon\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Office\MSO1033.acl could not be
saved. The file may be read-only, or you may not have permission to modify
the file.'

I click 'OK' and the message repeats. I click 'OK' again and a message reads:

'Word cannot open the existing file. (Normal.dotm)'

When I click 'OK' the message disappears and the document is there to create
or view. When closing the document a message reads:

'You cannot save while the file is in use by another process. Try saving the
file with a new name (C:\Users\Gordon\AppData\...\Normal.dotm)'

When I click 'OK' a message reads:

'Word encountered a problem while trying to save the document...' then it
suggests to save to a rescue file.

I have tried to uninstall and reinstall Office 2007 but the error remains.

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