opening another database



I am building one application in ms access 2003.
what basically does is it execute some function of other database. to achieve this i had put all functions in startup of other database...
logic is something like this in main application..

while 'schedular is not finished
'execute statement 1

'below things will open the other database and it will execute all function in start up event

Shell "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\msaccess.exe C:\PR\db1\PRCOPY.mdb", vbNormalFocus

statement 2
statement 3


i m getting two problem with this..

first is its execute statement2 even the above statement execution (executing function of other database) is not finished...i want to stop execution of prog until it finsih it..
second is all variable are goes out of scope once it start executing other database..

can any one suggest me how to handle this thing? i cant merge other database function in my main application..
any help would be appreciated..
thanx in advance

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