opening atill from in Access Form


Ian Collins

Hi All,

I need to open a till draw connected to a serial port from within access.
Does anyone have any idea how I am going to do this?



Adrian Jansen

The software part is easy, since you can send a character(s) from the serial
port with a command like:

Open "Com1:4800,n,8,1" for output as #1 'open the port Com1
Print #1,"AAAA" 'arbitrary string of characters
Close #1 'close the port

This will set the port DTR and RTS lines to the opposite state, and put a
string of pulses on the TX line.

What you do with these in hardware to physically open the till is up to you.
At the very least you will need a couple of transistors, a power supply and
a solenoid in the till mechanism to release the latch.


Adrian Jansen
J & K MicroSystems
Microcomputer solutions for industrial control

Bas Cost Budde

Wayne said:
Is that why the register goes "Ding" when the drawer opens?
Maybe. Do people get injured by ambulances?

I think the Bell character was added to simulate the older devices. The
register existed before the ASCII character set, if I remember correctly.

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