Opening Attachments



I have a PowerBook G4, Mac OS X operating system. I am using Microsoft
Office X. I have Windows Media installed.

However, when I get an attachment, either .pp or .wmv, I cannot open,
even though I drag the icon to the desk top. When I try to open the
..pp attachment, I get a New Message box, offering me the opportunity to
send the attachment to someone else.

Thanks for your help.


Tom Dyer

Hi there.

It sounds like the file is still associated with your email client.

Unlike windows, Mac OSX doesn't use the filename extension to identify which
program to use, it uses what is known as a resource handle in the file
itself to keep track of things like which program to use to open it and the
file's icon as well as file permissions.
The advantage of doing things this way is that each file can have it's own
customised icon and different files of the same type can be opened with
different programs.

To open these files in your desired application, ctrl click (or right click)
the file and select "open with" then "other" if the application you want
doesn't appear in the list. Browse for the application and tick the "Always
Open With" box.

Hope this helps.

Tom Dyer
BEng (Hons)

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