I have started to work with Crystal XI reports, and I am impressed.
So one of my next things to learn is how to open a Crystal XI report from MS
Access. Has anyone tried or accomplished this?
I have done this with Crystal 8.5 in the past by adding the Crystal Report
control to the MS Access form, then adding the following code to open the
CrystalReport.Connect = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1; Server=adsql2\_2k;
Database=IMGQC; UID=IMGQC_Service; PWD=TestPassword"
CrystalReport.ReportFileName = "\\kcmsfs1\apps\DBA\IMGQC\IMGQC.rpt"
CrystalReport.Action = 0
I tried to open a Crystal XI report from MS Access by adding the "Crystal
ActiveX Report Viewer Control 11.0" to the form.
I tried the same code, but it gave me the error:
"Object doesn't support this property or method"
I tried out different property options in the code, but nothing seemed to be
If anyone has tried this or been successful, let me know. Any bit of
information would be very helpful.
So one of my next things to learn is how to open a Crystal XI report from MS
Access. Has anyone tried or accomplished this?
I have done this with Crystal 8.5 in the past by adding the Crystal Report
control to the MS Access form, then adding the following code to open the
CrystalReport.Connect = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1; Server=adsql2\_2k;
Database=IMGQC; UID=IMGQC_Service; PWD=TestPassword"
CrystalReport.ReportFileName = "\\kcmsfs1\apps\DBA\IMGQC\IMGQC.rpt"
CrystalReport.Action = 0
I tried to open a Crystal XI report from MS Access by adding the "Crystal
ActiveX Report Viewer Control 11.0" to the form.
I tried the same code, but it gave me the error:
"Object doesn't support this property or method"
I tried out different property options in the code, but nothing seemed to be
If anyone has tried this or been successful, let me know. Any bit of
information would be very helpful.