Opening Excel 2007 using Excel 2003



Issue 1:

If I take a Excel 2007 file saved with a "xlsx" file extension and I
manually change the filename extension to "xls", then I open the Excel file
using Excel 2003, it displays the following popup message to the user:

"This file is not in a recognizable format.
- If you know the file is from another probram which is incompatible with
Microsoft Office Excel, click Cancel, then open this file in its original
application. If you want to open the file later in Microsoft Office Excel,
save it in a format that is compatible, such as text format.
- If you suspect the file is damaged, click Help for more information about
solving the problem.
- If you still want to see what text is contained in the file, click OK.
Then click Finished in the Text Import Wizard."

This popup has an "OK" button and "Cancel" button which the user will need
to click on either of the buttons first before the Excel file is opened.

How do I stop this popup message from appearing as we do not want any human
interactions performed before the Excel file is opened?

Issue 2:

When opening Excel 2007 files using Excel 2003, it displays the following
popup message to the user:

"This file was created in a newer version of Microsoft Excel. The file has
been converted to a format you can work with, but the following issues were
encountered. The file has been opened in read-only mode to protect the
original file.

- Some formulas in this workbook contain functions with more arguments than
are supported by this version of Excel. Formulas with more than 30 arguments
to a function will not be opened and will be converted to #VALUE! errors.
- Some formulas in this workbook use more operands than are allowed by this
version of Excel. These formulas will not be opened and will be converted to
#VALUE! errors."

This popup has an "OK" button which the user will need to click on before
the Excel file is opened.

How do I stop this popup message from appearing as we do not want any human
interactions to occur when an Excel file is opened?


Please note that Issue #1 is more important for us so if this can be
resolved first, that will be great. Thank you.


The easiest way is to save the 2007 document as a 2003 file :) Then all
problems go away. If someone send it to you, ask them to save it as a 2003
Have the same problem at work, some have upgraded to 2007, and some have
2003 still.


Yes, that is the easiest way but we need to handle the case when users submit
a 2007 Excel file to us. We are using Excel 2003 on one of the server and we
have a batch program on this server that opens the Excel file to perform some
tasks. Therefore, we need the ability to open the Excel 2007 file submitted
to us using Excel 2003 without receiving any popup messages. If you have any
other suggestions to handle this case, that will be great.

Thank you.


We have installed the converter and all the High-Priority updates from
Microsoft Update as indicated in the link below. We are still receiving the
popup messages indicated in both issue 1 and issue 2 when opening Excel 2007
files using Excel 2003. Do you have any other suggestions?

Thank you

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