Maury Markowitz
I have a file that is passed to me in XLS format, but I would much prefer to
work with it in CSV. So I did this...
' open the downloaded file in Excel and copy it over to L in csv format
Workbooks.Open "O:\Downloads\D00100001554_0.xls"
Workbooks("D00100001554_0.xls").ConflictResolution = xlLocalSessionChanges
Workbooks("D00100001554_0.xls").SaveAs "L:\Activity.csv", xlCSV
Workbooks("Activity.csv").Close False
This works fine except it leaves Excel open in the background. The only
thing to do is fine it in Processes and force quit it. Is there some way to
do this through code?
work with it in CSV. So I did this...
' open the downloaded file in Excel and copy it over to L in csv format
Workbooks.Open "O:\Downloads\D00100001554_0.xls"
Workbooks("D00100001554_0.xls").ConflictResolution = xlLocalSessionChanges
Workbooks("D00100001554_0.xls").SaveAs "L:\Activity.csv", xlCSV
Workbooks("Activity.csv").Close False
This works fine except it leaves Excel open in the background. The only
thing to do is fine it in Processes and force quit it. Is there some way to
do this through code?