Opening Excel spreadsheets via explorer - issues in Excel 2007



Hello! I'm hoping the experts here can help me with this quirky
issue. I
have a user who when she double clicks on a spreadsheet from her My
folder or from an email or such, Excel 2007 opens yet will not open
document itself. If you click around long enough it usually will
open, or if
you go to the open dialog you can open it that way. Here's what I
have tried
- under Excel Options/Advanced I've tried both unchecking and checking
option to ignore other applications that use DDE with no luck.
Also have tried modifying how the sheets open using this - Application
perform action:
At the end of the line after /e append a space character followed by
(including the quotes)
DDE Application Not Running:
Insert new text: [rem see command line] (including the brackets)

Oddly enough this seems to work for a little while, then stop
working. I
have no other things to try. I've uninstalled and reinstalled with no
That was my last resort tactic. Is there something else I can check?
Or am
I doomed to have to redo her machine for this quirky error?

Jim Rech

It seems like this is the most reported issue with Excel 2007. We're all
hoping the first service patch has a fix for it.

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