Opening hyperlinks


Tammy S.

I have a hyperlink to a wiki that opens in my database window. I have to
click the back button to return to the database. Can the wiki be opened in a
seperate window?

Dirk Goldgar

Tammy S. said:
I have a hyperlink to a wiki that opens in my database window. I have to
click the back button to return to the database. Can the wiki be opened
in a
seperate window?

That sounds strange. What is the hyperlink address, and how do you invoke
the hyperlink?

Tammy S.

The wiki is on an intranet, providing it won't help you get to it and company
policy won't let me share it. I used insert, hyperlink to included it in the
form. Should I have used a command button instead? If so, don't know how to
make it open Internet Explorer.

Dirk Goldgar

Tammy S. said:
The wiki is on an intranet, providing it won't help you get to it and
policy won't let me share it. I used insert, hyperlink to included it in
form. Should I have used a command button instead? If so, don't know how
make it open Internet Explorer.

Clicking an http: hyperlink shouldn't cause the web page to open in your
database window, but rather in your default web browser. That's why I asked
what the hyperlink address is. But if it's policy not to reveal it, I
understand. It might help to know the overall format of it, though.

Is this hyperlink stored as a hyperlink field in a table? What sort of
control is it attached to? How did you insert it?

As Doug Steele suggested, you can add a (non-hyperlink) command button to
your form that executes the statement:

Application.FollowHyperlink <your URL>

That ought to open the hyperlink in your web browser. But I don't
understand what is going on with your current hyperlink, and I'm very

De Jager

Tammy S. said:
The wiki is on an intranet, providing it won't help you get to it and
policy won't let me share it. I used insert, hyperlink to included it in
form. Should I have used a command button instead? If so, don't know how
make it open Internet Explorer.


Tammy S. said:
The wiki is on an intranet, providing it won't help you get to it and
policy won't let me share it. I used insert, hyperlink to included it in
form. Should I have used a command button instead? If so, don't know how
make it open Internet Explorer.

Tammy S.

Thanks, all, for your help. We had an upgrade to Internet Explorer and now
the link opens in IE instead of my database window. At least I assume that's
why. As the saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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