Opening Large Files



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel

I've got some large Excel 2004 .xls files (156MB) that I've converted to .xlsx files in 2008.

The size of the files was dramatically reduced (156MB > 45MB) - GOOD

The files won't reopen after being closed - BAD

The calculations are the same as they were in 2004 versions of the files and I've done no new formatting so that isn't the issue.

Any ideas?


Pat McMillan


Unfortunately, we don't have a clear knowledge of what could be causing
this, but we've had a couple of other reports that we're tracking that sound
like they could be the same issue as your seeing. As I've told others, it's
really hard for us to narrow these "large file" bugs down because they can
be very complex and hard to reproduce. I know it's unlikely, but if there's
any way you could share your file with us (or strip out all meaningful data
from it, save it, and share that with us) it would be a huge help. Is there
any way you could put a file that has this problem on a web server for us to
look at? If not, can you describe as best you can the contents and structure
of your workbook (for example, does it contain pivot tables or charts; how
many sheets does it have, etc.)?



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