Opening Link Bar in New Window - Frontpage 2003


C66 Racing

I'm trying to insert a link bar into my website where the links open in a new
I have learned how to modify individual links by modifying the target to
"_blank". However the target choices don't come up when trying to put a new
link on a new link bar or trying to edit the existing links on a link bar.
I also see that I can change the whole page to have default <base
target="_blank"> but I don't want every link on my page to open in a new
window, just the ones on the link bar.
Any help would be appreciated.
P.S. I don't know what html means, so please be gentle...


You cannot specify targets for links in a FrontPage link bar. Your only
option is to set the base target for the page, then set target="_self" for
all links that should open in the same page. Note that all links in the
link bar will open in the target page.

C66 Racing

Thanks Ron,
Appreciate the input.
Unfortunately, that won't work for me. I have two link bars on my website,
one vertical on the left for links to other main pages in my website and one
horizontal on the top for links to external websites. I only want the top
one to open in a new page.
I'll probably make the specific links on the top without using a link bar so
I can edit the target for each one manually. I was hoping to use the
convenience of the link bar so if I changed it the future I wouldn't have to
update the hundred or so pages on my website.


You can place the navigation in its own page, and include in your 100 pages
as an included content component. This means that you only have to update 1
page to change the navigation.

If using FP2003, also look at Dynamic Web Templates.

C66 Racing

Sweet! Thank you very much.
As you suggested I made a new page with just manual links on it that I can
open in new page and/or modify later and inserted this page in the
appropriate spot on my template as an included component page. Works great.
Appreciate your help.

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