with xl07 that is a big no can do. MS stopped supporting lotus all togeather
with xl07. as don pointed out, many have turned to open office but as i
understand, open office will not open .wk4 files nor .123 files(millimiun
edition or v9) lotus is up to v9.8 i think.
if you know someone with a copy of lotus, i would be very very nice to them
and do what i do. same the lotus file as a .xls file. lotus will save a lotus
file in xl format faster that xl can same a xl file in xl format. go figure.
you can do a google for conversion soft ware. but most want money. don't
know how desperate you are.
you can also google smartsuites. some sites offer v9.8 free download. i
haven't done that so be advised. others offer v9.8 for as low as $20US. which
is cheaper that some conversion software. go figure some more.
you might also check out lotus forums also....
http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/ssforum.nsf (IBM)
anyway you look at it, MS has made it very dificult for people who need
access to lotus files.