Opening new excel file & inputting data into cells



I have this piece of code:

newfname = EDIFormP6.WeeklyOutputp6.Value & Format(Date, "")
& "TESTING" & ".xls"

Open newfname For Output As #1

Cell_Contents = "UNS1"
Print #1, Cell_Contents

Cell_Contents = "LIN1"
Print #1, Cell_Contents

Cell_Contents = "NAD2A"
Print #1, Cell_Contents

close #1

Now, when i look at the excel file after the code has run, the UNS1,
LIN1 & NAD2A is appearing all in column A down 1 2 & 3, ive tried
various different codes which i would of thought would put them all in
row 1 columns A B & C but it just always seems to but them in all in
column A. am i missing something here?


I have this piece of code:

newfname = EDIFormP6.WeeklyOutputp6.Value & Format(Date, "")
& "TESTING" & ".xls"

Open newfname For Output As #1

Cell_Contents = "UNS1"
Print #1, Cell_Contents

Cell_Contents = "LIN1"
Print #1, Cell_Contents

Cell_Contents = "NAD2A"
Print #1, Cell_Contents

close #1

Now, when i look at the excel file after the code has run, the UNS1,
LIN1 & NAD2A is appearing all in column A down 1 2 & 3, ive tried
various different codes which i would of thought would put them all in
row 1 columns A B & C but it just always seems to but them in all in
column A. am i missing something here?

You are opening a file for output - fine, but that will create a text
file. The selection.offset is doing nothing as far as this code is
concerned apart from moving the cursor. My own preference would be to
reference the excel file and set the values as required but

Open newfname For Output As #1
Print #1, "UNS1", "LIN1","NAD2A"

close #1

will create a 3 column one row file for you


Hi, thanks for the reply
this puts all the data in cell A1 with a tab making it look like they
are in B & C, i actually need each piece of data in a different cell.

Dave Peterson

Do you really want an excel workbook file--or a text file with an extension of

If you really want an excel file:

dim NewWks as worksheet
dim newFname as string

newfname = EDIFormP6.WeeklyOutputp6.Value & Format(Date, "") _
& "TESTING" & ".xls"

set newwks = workbooks.add(1).worksheets(1)
with newwks
.range("a1").value = "UNS1"
.range("B1").value = "LIN1"
.range("C1").value = "NAD2A"
.parent.saveas filename:=newfname, fileformat:=xlworkbooknormal
.close savechanges:=false
end with

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