Opening Notepad from Excel



I am trying to write a VBA code that does the following:
1. open Notepad from inside Excel
2. Save a blank file (i.e, Save as Test.kml)
3. Close the Notepad

Dave Peterson

You want a 0 byte file?

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Open "C:\Test.kml" For Output As 1
Close #1

End Sub

Be careful with this. If that file exists, then it's emptied. If it doesn't
exist, it'll be created.

(Change the path to what you want.)


You don't need to run notepad. Just create the file and close it.

Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = -2, _
ForAppending = 3

WriteFile = "c:\temp\Test.kml"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fout = fs.CreateTextFile _
(Filename:=WriteFile, overwrite:=True)




Dave Peterson said:
You want a 0 byte file?

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Open "C:\Test.kml" For Output As 1
Close #1

End Sub

Be careful with this. If that file exists, then it's emptied. If it doesn't
exist, it'll be created.

(Change the path to what you want.)

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