I just installed MS Office XP Pro and when I now open
Outlook a box opens in the middle of the screen and in
the title bar say Microsoft LDAP Directory. In the box it
has a tab that says Connection Details. The details
displayed are Server name: NULL, Port: 3268, User name:
NULL and Password: (nothing listed). If I click on OK at
the bottom the window disappears and I thought nothing of
it until I went to open my address book and I received an
LDAP error message and the address book wouldn't open.
What's the answer?
Outlook a box opens in the middle of the screen and in
the title bar say Microsoft LDAP Directory. In the box it
has a tab that says Connection Details. The details
displayed are Server name: NULL, Port: 3268, User name:
NULL and Password: (nothing listed). If I click on OK at
the bottom the window disappears and I thought nothing of
it until I went to open my address book and I received an
LDAP error message and the address book wouldn't open.
What's the answer?