It can depend on a couple of factors, including (a) the particular email software you're using and its settings (b)
anti-virus/spam/malware software and its settings for showing pictures (c) whether the person who sent/forwarded the email did so in
a method that actually sent the pictures along (i.e. are they part of the email, or the email may contain links to the pictures).
If the pictures are linked (keeps down file size but also can let the sender track that you have the email <g>) then the antimalware
software or the email product itself may have blocked the display of the graphic and shows the red X instead. It's also possible
that someone linked to a non-internet picture (i.e. one stored on the other persons disk drive, which they'll see fine in the email,
but you won't as your email can't connect to their diskdrive to show you the picture).
Look for an 'attachment'/paperclip icon to see if the pictures are only viewable separately as is the case with several of the
online email services.
If not using an online service, look for a message/options bar in the message that you click to show the pictures.
Look at the file size of the received message (where it is and how to show it vary by email software brand/service and version) to
see if it's a small size (which may indicate the pictures aren't included).
Some pictures sent to me by email have no picture, but a blank page with a
red "x" in the upper left corner. Nothing I do brings the picture up, How can
I open them?>>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*