Steveb said:
Is there anyway of having the properties dialog box open up automatically
when starting a blank spreadsheet?
The code is easy:
The question is how to make it run.
You could put it in Workbook_Open in a workbook template BOOK.XLT in your
XLSTART directory - but then you will get the macro virus warning when you
create a new workbook. Also you would need to arrange for it only to run
on first open
If ThisWorkbook.Path = "" Then
End If
Better would be to make an application-level event handler in your
PERSONAL.XLS detect a new workbook.
In Personal.xls (or some other workbook in your XLSTART directory):
- Insert / Class Module
- name it clsApp (for example)
- paste in this code:
Public WithEvents oXL As Excel.Application
Private Sub oXL_NewWorkbook(ByVal Wb As Excel.Workbook)
If Wb.Path = "" Then
End If
End Sub
- Insert / Module
- paste in the following code:
Dim clsXL As New clsApp
Sub Aut

Set clsXL.oXL = Application
End Sub
Sub Auto_Close()
Set clsXL = Nothing
End Sub
- save the workbook
- run Aut

- create a new workbook (to test it out).
Bill Manville
MVP - Microsoft Excel, Oxford, England
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