Opening Publisher 2000 documents with Publisher 2003



There's a lot of variations on this theme and I hope someone can help me with
New computer running Windows XP and Norton Internet Security. New Publisher
2003, which will open a business card I created in Publisher 2000 but none of
my newsletters.
I get the same message: MS Office Publisher has encountered a problem and
needs to close. We're sorry for the inconvenience.
When I checked the error message being sent to Microsoft, it said 'Problem
caused by MS Office Publisher 2003 (DEMO) consider upgrading.
Well, I don't have a demo version but a full version that came with MS
Office Small Business 2003.
I've tried unchecking the box in Norton Internet Security regarding How to
keep MS Office documents protected. That didn't change a thing. Neither did
disabling Norton.
I also tried the regsvr32 /u "c:\program files\norton internet
security\norton antivirus\officeav.dll" suggestion but it failed with a
return code of 0x8002801c (error processing the OLE registry).
I tried reinstalling MS Office Small Business on my new computer. No
I am now at a complete loss of what to try next other than to keep producing
my bicycle club's newsletter on Publisher 2000 on my old computer, which
opens my 2000 documents just fine.
Any help will be most appreciated. Thanks.

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