opening report from form with variable recordsource



I am opening a report from a form in designview while changing the
recordsource. (see code below)
This works well, the report opens with the appropriate data source
but when I am closing the report wiht the "close" button (print preview
toolbar), it opens in design view.
This does not happen when I close the report with the "close window" x on
the right side of the menu bar?
Anybody an idea how to make it work from the close button as well?

Me.application.Echo False
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "Rpt1010_FinancialOverviewByMonth_Graph"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewDesign
Reports!Rpt1010_FinancialOverviewByMonth_Graph!Graph1.RowSource =
"SELECT * from Qry1010_ExpensesGraph WHERE [periodval] >= " &
Me.cboGraphStart & " and [periodval] <= " & Me.cboGraphEnd
DoCmd.Save ( OR I tried DoCmd.Save acReport,
Me.application.Echo True
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview

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