The most likely cause of the crash is a bad pointer. This could be an index,
a record pointer or a pointer to another memory space. Memos and BLOBs use
pointers. It's not really a problem with memos - just that if the pointer to
the memo is bad, it's a candidate for causing the crash.
Try creating a new (blank) database. Turn off Name AutoCorrect (Tools |
Options), and then try importing the table (File | Get External.) Are you
able to import the whole table, or does it crash? If it copies, you have
rescued it; if it crashes, you're starting on a process to eliminate the
If it still crashes, the next task is to determine if it is a record pointer
(a bad row), or a BLOB pointer (a bad column in a row.) You can try
importing the table without the memo fields. If it works, then it's a BLOB
pointer, and you can try importing some of the memos, until you narrow it
down to find which one is wrong.
If it fails even without the BLOBs it's a bad record pointer, so you need to
import half the records (instead of a reduced number of fields) to see where
the bad record is. By gradually adding/removing half, you can narrow it
down. Ultimately you may be able to import all except for 1 or 2 bad
records. The process is similar to where you see #Deleted in some rows, as
described here:
In the end, this divide'n'conquor approach should get you most of your
records and most of your fields into a new table in a new database. You can
then import all the other objects into this new database, and you're up and
running again.
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
upsman via said:
I'm using Access 2003. I've done the Compact/Repair multiple times with
luck. Yes, the table has several Memo fields but no Hyperlink or OLE
I'm guessing by that question that there's a problem with Memo fields?
Allen said:
First thing to try would be a compact/repair.
In Access 2007, go to:
Office Button | Manage | Compact/Repair.
In previous versions:
Tools | Database Utilities | Compact/Repair.
The problem is most likely a bad index, so that should fix it. If not,
a reply, indicating your version of Access, and tell if the table has any
fields that are Memo, Hyperlink, or OLE Object.
I'm not sure which group to post this in but I have a problem when
[quoted text clipped - 9 lines]
can't open it when I'm in the Database Window. Does anyone know why?