Opening Template w/o creating New Doc



How can I open an original template (a form I've created)
without creating a new document from it? I need to work
on the original form I created as a .dot, but each time I
find it and double click it, it opens a new .doc for me to
fill in. Thanks.



You must open the template as a dot if you want to modify
it, otherwise you are opening a new document based upon
that template. Here's what you do...


File | Open:
in the dialog box at the bottom "Files of type" select
Document Templates (*.dot).

From there, navigate to your templates directory, which is
probably the default...C:\WINDOWS\Application
Data\Microsoft\Templates. Check Tools | Options | File be sure.

This will open the template so that you can modify it.
Understand that you will only be able to save the template
as a template (dot file) and not a document.


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