Opening the hyperlinks on a page



Is this any way to add a button to a page that would open up all of the
pages hyperlinked on a page, and another button that when pressed would close
all of these ?

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

Is this any way to add a button to a page that would open up all of the
pages hyperlinked on a page, and another button that when pressed would close
all of these ?


I assume that you are referring to a OneNote page.

To the best of my knowledge it can't be done in the current version. I
would be doubtful whether this would be possible, without a major
change in how much of an API is exposed in some future version of
OneNote. And of course it could raise security issues if one
application attempts to close another.

The only program that I am aware of that does something like that
natively is Firefox where you have a Bookmark option to open all the
bookmarks contained in one folder in tabs for display. It's great for
following through on research online. A group of related links are
saved together and can be (re-)opened together. It's really efficient
compared to doing it all manually when the number of pages is large.

I could see that a facility in, say, a OneNote section to open all
links in a page or section in a tabbed browser - either Firefox or
some future version of Internet Explorer - could be really useful for
online research.

Is that the kind of use case you have in mind?

I am less convinced of the need to close the browser from OneNote. Why
not just click on the X in the upper right of the browser when you are
done. If it was a tabbed browser that would be simply one click.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath


Here's what I have in mind. I word with Office programs a lot, expecially
Word and Excel, also outlook express. Have lots of documents, faxes, and
emails having to do with a particular projects. It would ne neat to have a
program that I could use to manage the documents pertaining to a particular
project. OneNote does some of this. I can create references to many of
these documents in a oneNote folder. But it would be even better if I could
open a particular oneOne folder, click a button, and have all of the relevant
documents pop open. And the, the images of files used in OneNote are not
always as crisp and clear as when displayed in other programs.

I tried to look into the olde Office Toolbar, wondering if it could or
(already had been) automated to manage office documents pertaining to a
particular project. But I don't think the Office Toolbar was able to be
automated, either by macros or VBA, and it no longer comes with office 2003.
I wonder if there aren't programs out there that will do the following: 1.
keep track of all of the documents pertaining to a project, say in project
manager; and 2) when a particular project is selected, pop open the relevant
documents. And when the documents are opened, they would be opened in the
programs that created them or at least are good at viewing the documents

Perhaps you know of something that already does this? It is hard to imagine
that it does not already exist. I will take a look at Firefox.

Thanks so much,
Steve Elster

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

Here's what I have in mind. I word with Office programs a lot, expecially
Word and Excel, also outlook express. Have lots of documents, faxes, and
emails having to do with a particular projects. It would ne neat to have a
program that I could use to manage the documents pertaining to a particular
project. OneNote does some of this. I can create references to many of
these documents in a oneNote folder. But it would be even better if I could
open a particular oneOne folder, click a button, and have all of the relevant
documents pop open. And the, the images of files used in OneNote are not
always as crisp and clear as when displayed in other programs.

I tried to look into the olde Office Toolbar, wondering if it could or
(already had been) automated to manage office documents pertaining to a
particular project. But I don't think the Office Toolbar was able to be
automated, either by macros or VBA, and it no longer comes with office 2003.
I wonder if there aren't programs out there that will do the following: 1.
keep track of all of the documents pertaining to a project, say in project
manager; and 2) when a particular project is selected, pop open the relevant
documents. And when the documents are opened, they would be opened in the
programs that created them or at least are good at viewing the documents

Perhaps you know of something that already does this? It is hard to imagine
that it does not already exist. I will take a look at Firefox.

Thanks so much,
Steve Elster


My comment about Firefox wasn't directly relevant to the scenario you
describe. It's just really useful if you are using Web pages in

Windows SharePoint Services can do some of the things you want but you
would need Windows 2003 Server or Small Business Server 2003 to be
able to use WSS. And it's designed for sharing files within teams
rather than being a personal document store.

WinFS which was promised to be part of Longhorn (but is to follow
later, in 2007?) was demoed to do all this kind of stuff about a year
ago. But who knows what will or won't be in the final version.

It might be worth pinging mswish, since it is pretty much common
knowledge due to leaks via etc that Office 12
features are now being actively considered. The functionality you are
hoping for might make a nice integration feature.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

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