Opening Word 2003




I am completely mystified by a pop-up box sayin ACT every time I open up
Word 2003 from the Start menu.
What does it mean, where did it come from and how doI get rid of it?

I am running Word 2003 in MS Office Professional on Windows XP Professional
SP2 on a Dell Inspiron 1150 Notebook.

I did have a go at One note 2007,but ditched it as I found the screens too
overwhelming. Has it something to do with that?
Also, I have Journal in Outlook running...

Any meaningful hint is welcome.


Did you ever install ACT! on your machine?

In any case, the message is probably coming from something that's been
loaded as an add-in. An add-in is any .dot file in Word's startup folder. If
you delete same (or change the extension to anything else) they won't load
and you won't get the start-up message.


Hi Guys,

No, I did not install ACT and it is not a Company Machine.
How do I get to delete it from the Word start up folder if it is in there?
Thanks so far....


Graham Mayor

See the link in thye reply to your duplicate post.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


Thanks for the trouble.
It (the box) magically disappeared after I rebooted. (?)

As for your web side -Graham- it looks good, but due to lack of time I could
not explore it in any depth.
But thanks for all your help,


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