Opening Word File from Prospect



I've just located this NG while looking for help in another area, maybe.
Anyway, at the moment I'm perplexed with the problem of whether to
open an attachment I've just rec'd from a prospective employer.
He has asked me to complete (and return) an attached xyz.doc <<
which is to represent a mini-application. For all I know this is a
hacker looking to totally infect me PC. So that's why I say I may be
in the wrong NG, but I definitely want to visit you (this NG) in the
coming month or so, that I might learn more about Word's VBA piece.
I live in the Excel NG's.........

Any pointers would be appreciated,,

Tks in Advance.......

Jonathan West

Well, if your prospective employer has sent you a word doc with code in it,
then one of three things must be true

1. He's careless, and has sent you a virus.
2. He's clueless, and expects you take it on trust that the code is ok.
3. He's malicious, and is trying to hack your PC.

Whichever of these options is true, do you *really* want to work for him?
Moreover, do you want to work with the people who have been gullible to work
for him already?


Does the document actually have code in it? Set your macro security to
medium or high and have a look: opening the document with macros disabled
won't cause a problem. If there is any code, post it here for comment.


Thanks for the more meaningful response.
Based on your response I Opened it;
no problems...
Thanks for your help.

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