opening word from IE


ngan adams

I have windows xp, IE 7 and word xp.

I have set my computer up so Word links are opened in the Word program, not
IE (my computer | tools | folder options | File types | Doc | Advanced and
unchecked "browse in same window").

The Journaling in Outlook is turned off.

The word opens in its own window just fine. My problem is closing the Word
application. Instead of immediately closing, it takes about 2-3 mins for the
application to close.

Is this normal? Is there anything else I can do to speed up the closing?
For users, they think there is something wrong and will force the close every

This only happens if I open a word doc from a weblink. Opening and closing
word doc from the network or local drive works fine.

Any suggestions?

ngan adams

1. IE6 with WXP and Word 2002 SP3 - word hangs on close
2. IE6 with WXP and Word 2002 SP1 - word closes fine - but not all windows
updates are installed
2b IE6 with WXP and word 2002 SP1 - word hangs, but I uninstalled IE 7 (and
downgraded to IE6) and any updates associated with it
3. IE7 with WXP and Word 2002 (any SP) - word hangs
4. IE7 with WXP and Word 2003/2007 - word closes fine

Could it be a combination of IE versions and word versions? If we would
have to upgrade word or else just deal with the 2-3 min delay of closing from

Terry Farrell

Did you read the FAQ. Delays in opening and closing are nearly always due to
incompatible third party add-ins. Internet Explorer has no bearing on the


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