Opening worksheets takes ages

  • Thread starter Edwin Niemoller
  • Start date

Edwin Niemoller

WinXP pro & OfficeXP pro

Without any changes to both system and hardware Excel needs ages to open
files. I can see 'requesting virus scan' in the status bar and from then
loading even the smallest worksheets take around 20 seconds.

Anyone on reason and workaround?




Try checking your temp directory. I had a similiar problem and clearin
it out fixed it. I found that my Excel form was creating EMF files i
my Temp Directory. :


WinXP pro & OfficeXP pro

Without any changes to both system and hardware Excel needs ages to open
files. I can see 'requesting virus scan' in the status bar and from then
loading even the smallest worksheets take around 20 seconds.

Anyone on reason and workaround?



Been answered already - turn off the Office plugin option in your
Norton AV program.

You know it makes sense.

David McRitchie

which should be done anyway:
From what I've heard the option to check email is added only because
companys asked for it, it is not needed because the attachements
would be checked when opened. But the option could destroy the
database that your mail is in, which is not good. A search on Google
turned up the following for turning option off or on.

but Gord Dibben posted this link in excel.misc for problems
experienced after an automatic update on Jan 7th, 2004

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