Openning embedded Excel workbook


Miguel Velez

I got a Ms Word document with an embedded Ms Excel
workbook. I've written some VBA code to open the workbook
but when it runs a dialog comes up warning me that the
workbook contains macros and whether I want them enabled.
Since the next thing the code does is run the macro
contained by the embedded workbook, the answer is "Yes".

The code looks like this:
Dim xl As Object

With ActiveDocument.Shapes("Object 42").OLEFormat
Set xl = .Object
End With
Set xl = Nothing

I've tried adding this line after the ".Activate" line:
SendKeys "%y"
but it doesn't work. Does anyone know how I can select
from code the "Yes" button in the dialog?

Thanks in advance.



Please do not send duplicate questions.

Here's an answer between <q> and <unq>

In Excel, adjust the Security setting as follows:

Tools | Macros | Security
In security dialog tab: Trusted Publishers
Check the checkbox: Trust Access to Visual Basic project.

See whether this helps.


Miguel Velez


It wasn't my intentioned to post duplicate questions. I
posted the first one and when I came back some time later,
it wasn't listed. So I thought I hadn't posted it properly.


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