OpenRecordSet method fails in Access 2003



I'm using the following function to find the size of a table. Can anyone
offer any hints on why it fails, or offer an easier way to find table size?

Details: It works fine in Access 2000 but when I try to run the same db in
Access 2003, it throws an error at the marked statement. At the end, if I
stop the procedure, ECode gets set to 13, which I think is a Type Mismatch.

Function TableRecords(tablename As String) As Long
On Error GoTo Err_TableRecords
'Passed table name, returns number of records in that table
' or 0 if error

Dim MyDatabase As Database
Dim MyTable As Recordset
Dim ECode as Variant

'Set default return value
'TableRecords = 0

'Open myself
Set MyDatabase = OpenDatabase(Application.CurrentDb.Name)
mydbname = MyDatabase.Name

With MyDatabase

' Open table-type Recordset
Set MyTable = .OpenRecordset(tablename) '***THIS STATEMENT FAILS***

'Move to last record

'capture no. of records
TableRecords = MyTable.RecordCount

'close the recordset

'close database

End With

Exit Function

ECode = Err
TableRecords = 0
GoTo Exit_TableRecords

End Function

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