openrecordset returns extra info



I have opened a recordset with the query:

SELECT PeachtreeCodes.PeachtreeCode, Invoice.ID, ClientCode.Arrears,
Invoice.[Total Bill] FROM ClientCode INNER JOIN (Invoice LEFT JOIN
PeachtreeCodes ON Invoice.ClientCode = PeachtreeCodes.ClientCode) ON
Invoice.ClientCode = ClientCode.ClientCode WHERE Invoice.InvDate = #12/31/08#

Everything seems to return fine, but after a few records I get rst.fields(0) =

When it should just be the first line. I don't know where the other two
lines come from. When I run this query in an access query box of sql i don't
get this result. Everything seems to work fine. Is there something in the
recordset I am missing? Thank you for the help.



Thank you very much for the help. That's what it was. i was expanding the
list sideways not thinking that there were new line characters in the table
in that field. Thanks, I cleared it and all is good.

Clifford Bass said:

When viewing the query results position your pointer over one of the
row-dividing lines in the left margin. When it changes to a line with an up
arrow above it and a down arrow below it click and drag down about three rows
worth. It will change the row height of all of your rows. Now check to see
if that one record really does or does not contain that extra stuff. Or you
can just do it while viewing the PeachtreeCodes table directly. If you use
the table, you could correct the value directly.

Clifford Bass

icccapital said:
I have opened a recordset with the query:

SELECT PeachtreeCodes.PeachtreeCode, Invoice.ID, ClientCode.Arrears,
Invoice.[Total Bill] FROM ClientCode INNER JOIN (Invoice LEFT JOIN
PeachtreeCodes ON Invoice.ClientCode = PeachtreeCodes.ClientCode) ON
Invoice.ClientCode = ClientCode.ClientCode WHERE Invoice.InvDate = #12/31/08#

Everything seems to return fine, but after a few records I get rst.fields(0) =

When it should just be the first line. I don't know where the other two
lines come from. When I run this query in an access query box of sql i don't
get this result. Everything seems to work fine. Is there something in the
recordset I am missing? Thank you for the help.

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