OpenReport canceled error




I am a network person helping a DB person. We a db on an SQL server which
users access through an MS access interface saved on their machine. The user
can open the interface, enter, delete and edit tables (data)but can not use
the buttons the auto print reports (a button that brings up a report and
prints it). When she tries to use this button she gets a "... OpenReport
canceled" error. This is the case for the user on any machine she logs on to.
However, anyone else on her machine can run everything fine. We had this
problem once before and removing the ODBC drivers and reinstalling them
worked but not this time. We tried permissions right up to admin but no luck.
We also looked at permissions on folders and in the registry but no luck.
Can anyone give me a hint or suggestion?

Thanks in advance,



She may have a "printer" problem. I assume she has a
roaming profile and her printer connections follow her
around to whatever machine she logs onto. Checking
printers would, I think, be worthwhile doing.




We use local profiles, no roaming. However, I will check the printer issue.
It seems toi be a problem with access and reports handling.


And the answer is!!!???!!

The problem is printer related and also entails the permissions on the
printer. After the help from Terry and other posts on this great site, it
lead me to the print server where the permissions for AuthenticatedUsers on
this particular printer (shared from the server) were set to "print" I
advanced them one more notch to "Manage Printer" and the user could then run
the button (OpenReport). I guess the OpenReport function wants more access I
do not know. This solution raised more questions which I do not have time to
experimewnt with. Like, why did everyone elses login work and not hers, as
all the other logins were AuthenticatedUsers?

Hey it works for now!
Thanks everyone

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