I am trying to sendobject to open an email mesage but am getting the error
'operation failed' every time I try. I have tried to repair the oultook .pst
file as was recommended by another post but to no avail.
Any ideas what is wrong with my below code or outlook?
Private Sub buyer_email_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
'sends email to customer's email address.
On Error Resume Next
Dim stOrderID As String
Dim stName As String
stName = Form_CustomerServiceFrm.recipient_name
stOrderID = Form_CustomerServiceFrm.order_id
Cancel = True
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , Me.buyer_email, , , "Amazon.com
Marketplace Order " & stOrderID, "Dear " & stName & ",", True
End Sub
'operation failed' every time I try. I have tried to repair the oultook .pst
file as was recommended by another post but to no avail.
Any ideas what is wrong with my below code or outlook?
Private Sub buyer_email_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
'sends email to customer's email address.
On Error Resume Next
Dim stOrderID As String
Dim stName As String
stName = Form_CustomerServiceFrm.recipient_name
stOrderID = Form_CustomerServiceFrm.order_id
Cancel = True
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , Me.buyer_email, , , "Amazon.com
Marketplace Order " & stOrderID, "Dear " & stName & ",", True
End Sub