Operation Failed When Opening Forwarded Message the 2nd Time



Platform Details:
Outlook 2003 SP2
XP Pro SP2
Exchange 2000 Cluster SP3 running on Win2k Adv. Server SP4

When a user receives a forwarded e-mail from an ISP such as AOL where the
e-mail is forwarded as an attachment and has a *.msg extension (i.e. the
forwarded attachment is "nested"), she is able to open it. However, if she
closes the attachment and attempts to re-open it, OL2k3 displays "Operation
Failed." If the user exits outlook and then starts it again, she is able to
open the attachment, but any attempt to re-open the attachment after it has
been closed will result in the "Operation Failed" message. If the user exits
Outlook she will be able to open it (just once).

Further, if the *.msg attachment is saved by right clicking on it, the user
will be able to open the message and view it by double clicking on it in
Explorer. If she does not open Outlook, she is able to open and close the
message without incident. However, if Outlook is open and she attempts to
open the *.msg file more than once, Windows reports the following error until
Outlook is restarted:
"Can't open file: C:\[Path]\message.msg. The file may not exist, you may
not have permission to open it, or it may be open in another program.
Right-click on the folder that contains the file, and then click Properties
to check your permissions for the folder." If Outlook is subsequently
closed, the user may then double click on the *.msg file and it will open.

It looks like OL2k3 is opening the file during the initial attempt to read
it, but subsequent attempts fail because XP believes the file to be in use...

Any suggestions?



DanGen... it seams the the OLKB-folder Outlook is causing the
problem...(Outlook stores all files temporarly there if open directly out of
Outlook) try the following:
Go to this OLKB folder and delete all version of the .msg files in there
(you may also delete all files in there, as this folder is a tremporary file
location for files open directly out of Outlook, temp internet files)


I am having this exact problem on all computers at my company. I can
not find where the msg file is temporarily opening in the OLKB folder.
I have deleted the contents of the folder, but still have the same
problem. Also, there are no msg files being created there either after
opening. It is as if Outlook is holding the process for the message
open or something. However the process is outlook.exe. Any other
fixes out there?
Sylvain said:
DanGen... it seams the the OLKB-folder Outlook is causing the
problem...(Outlook stores all files temporarly there if open directly out of
Outlook) try the following:
Go to this OLKB folder and delete all version of the .msg files in there
(you may also delete all files in there, as this folder is a tremporary file
location for files open directly out of Outlook, temp internet files)


DanGen said:
Platform Details:
Outlook 2003 SP2
XP Pro SP2
Exchange 2000 Cluster SP3 running on Win2k Adv. Server SP4

When a user receives a forwarded e-mail from an ISP such as AOL where the
e-mail is forwarded as an attachment and has a *.msg extension (i.e. the
forwarded attachment is "nested"), she is able to open it. However, if she
closes the attachment and attempts to re-open it, OL2k3 displays "Operation
Failed." If the user exits outlook and then starts it again, she is able to
open the attachment, but any attempt to re-open the attachment after it has
been closed will result in the "Operation Failed" message. If the user exits
Outlook she will be able to open it (just once).

Further, if the *.msg attachment is saved by right clicking on it, the user
will be able to open the message and view it by double clicking on it in
Explorer. If she does not open Outlook, she is able to open and close the
message without incident. However, if Outlook is open and she attempts to
open the *.msg file more than once, Windows reports the following error until
Outlook is restarted:
"Can't open file: C:\[Path]\message.msg. The file may not exist, you may
not have permission to open it, or it may be open in another program.
Right-click on the folder that contains the file, and then click Properties
to check your permissions for the folder." If Outlook is subsequently
closed, the user may then double click on the *.msg file and it will open.

It looks like OL2k3 is opening the file during the initial attempt to read
it, but subsequent attempts fail because XP believes the file to be in use...

Any suggestions?



We have discovered that this problem is related to Workshare 4.5 that
we are running on our computers. Workshare has a new release that
resolves this problem. I am not sure if DanGen is running Workshare
4.5 or not. If not, it may be some other application causing it. You
can always start with a fresh build and test after installing/removing
each application to identify.
I am having this exact problem on all computers at my company. I can
not find where the msg file is temporarily opening in the OLKB folder.
I have deleted the contents of the folder, but still have the same
problem. Also, there are no msg files being created there either after
opening. It is as if Outlook is holding the process for the message
open or something. However the process is outlook.exe. Any other
fixes out there?
Sylvain said:
DanGen... it seams the the OLKB-folder Outlook is causing the
problem...(Outlook stores all files temporarly there if open directly out of
Outlook) try the following:
Go to this OLKB folder and delete all version of the .msg files in there
(you may also delete all files in there, as this folder is a tremporary file
location for files open directly out of Outlook, temp internet files)


DanGen said:
Platform Details:
Outlook 2003 SP2
XP Pro SP2
Exchange 2000 Cluster SP3 running on Win2k Adv. Server SP4

When a user receives a forwarded e-mail from an ISP such as AOL where the
e-mail is forwarded as an attachment and has a *.msg extension (i.e. the
forwarded attachment is "nested"), she is able to open it. However, if she
closes the attachment and attempts to re-open it, OL2k3 displays "Operation
Failed." If the user exits outlook and then starts it again, she is able to
open the attachment, but any attempt to re-open the attachment after it has
been closed will result in the "Operation Failed" message. If the user exits
Outlook she will be able to open it (just once).

Further, if the *.msg attachment is saved by right clicking on it, the user
will be able to open the message and view it by double clicking on it in
Explorer. If she does not open Outlook, she is able to open and close the
message without incident. However, if Outlook is open and she attempts to
open the *.msg file more than once, Windows reports the following error until
Outlook is restarted:
"Can't open file: C:\[Path]\message.msg. The file may not exist, you may
not have permission to open it, or it may be open in another program.
Right-click on the folder that contains the file, and then click Properties
to check your permissions for the folder." If Outlook is subsequently
closed, the user may then double click on the *.msg file and it will open.

It looks like OL2k3 is opening the file during the initial attempt to read
it, but subsequent attempts fail because XP believes the file to be in use...

Any suggestions?


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