Operation on the OLE Object Failed



While trying to add an object to my existing Access 2003 database I now
receive a message that "The Operation of the OLE Object Failed. The OLE
Server May Not Be Registered. To Register the OLE Server, Reinstall It." This
situation started showing up a couple of days ago and I have been unable to
fix it.

I've re-installed Office Professional 2003, I've tried the repair set-up,
I've tried repairing the "Triedit.dll" per Article ID #896865, and I've tried
various OLE/DDE options settings. Nothing seems to restore the capability of
inserting an object into any of my existing databases without receiving the
message that the OLE Object Failed and that I need to Reinstall it. However,
there are no issues with opening the existing "packaged" objects in my
existing databases.

A little background: I'm using Corel Photo House 5 as my imaging editor. My
images are scanned pictures saved in .bmp format (768 X 512 pixels) with a
size of approx. 387.65kb. I have approx. 4500 saved images used on (6)
databases. No image is used more that once.

I've created a new "TEST" database and I still have the same issues. But I
think, for the interim, I've worked my way around this problem. I've added
a new column to the "TEST" database but instead of an "object" data type it's
a "hyperlink" data type column. This seems to be working OK for now. This is
not my preferred method because I've had previous issues with hyperlinks and
I do not have the time to convert all my databases from "object" to

I hope one of the "MPV's" or someone who has experienced this situation
respond to this thread and provide a solution.

I need at fix to this problem. HELP!!!


Thanks for the suggestion. However, the installation disk for the current
imaging editor program (Corel Photo House 5) was included with a printer's
start-up disk which I can not locate. (I can't even remember what printer it
was bundled with.) I did, however, find a previous version of this Corel
Photo House. I'm tempted to un-install the current version (v5.05) and
re-installing the older version. I located the older version on the
installation disk for an Epsen 777 printer. I don't remember what advantages
the newer version of Photo House has over the older version. The only issue
that I have is losing my exisiting object links when I un-install the current
version to my objects (packages) and having to re-establish all 4500 objects
to my databases.


Wolfgang Kais said:
Hello "BobJL".

BobJL said:
While trying to add an object to my existing Access 2003 database I
now receive a message that "The Operation of the OLE Object Failed.
The OLE Server May Not Be Registered. To Register the OLE Server,
Reinstall It." This situation started showing up a couple of days
ago and I have been unable to fix it.

[Re-installed Office Professional 2003]
[No issues with opening the existing "packaged" objects]

Have you tried to add a "package" in the object field?
[Imaging editor: Corel Photo House 5, all pictures equally sized]

I believe that you should reinstall the Corel product instead of
MS Access. The OLE Server is the application that is resposible for
the object creation, that is Corel. Access is just the OLE Client.
[Hyperlink fields do work]

Do they start Corel?
I have good experience using text boxes to store just the path.
This keeps database size small. Office 2003 offers a FileDialog
class so you can easily create an "open file dialog".
Even in forms and reports, loading the pictures can be handled
quite easily with a little vba, especially if all pictures have
the same size, as in your case.
I hope one of the "MPV's" or someone who has experienced this
situation respond to this thread and provide a solution.

Neither do I have experience with that error, nor am I an MVP.
Nevertheless: hth.

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