Opt to download specific RSS Feed


Faraz A. Qureshi

Whenever I connect to the office's net after a weekend a long list of RSS
feed starts to download. Any idea how to opt out of downloading specific RSS
Feed of old news?

Roady [MVP]

You can turn an RSS feed on or off, but that is all the control you have
over it. You cannot select which item you want to download and which not.

Faraz A. Qureshi

Thanx Roady!

That means if even the computer had been off for 2 weeks It will download
all the subscribed RSSs like News items?

Thanx anyway!
Best Regards,


Roady said:
You can turn an RSS feed on or off, but that is all the control you have
over it. You cannot select which item you want to download and which not.


Roady [MVP]

It means that it will download all RSS items that have been published by the
subscribed websites and will turn them into items.
The amount of items that get published in the RSS file is determined by the
An RSS subscription file is usually quite small and is only a single file.

You can of course set a filter on your folder not to show items older than
In addition you can set AutoArchive to automatically delete RSS items older
than x-days.


Faraz A. Qureshi said:
Thanx Roady!

That means if even the computer had been off for 2 weeks It will download
all the subscribed RSSs like News items?

Thanx anyway!
Best Regards,


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