Optimal guidlines to run Groove 2007



Earlier this month I asked a question about running Groove with large amounts
of data which seems to impact the speed of our laptops to which, you informed
me that I was reaching Groove 2007 limits. Could you give me the optimal
guidelines to which Groove can run? i.e. number of files, folders and overall
workspace size.

Aaron Suoja [MSFT]

There are no "optimal guidelines" as how Groove performs depends so greatly
upon the hardware you use, the bandwidth available and how you use Groove.

For example:
You could have a number of users who have mid-range laptops with dsl/cable
level bandwidth. They have a large number of spaces but do not modify that
much data and each space only has a small number of members - they likely
will not see any performance related issues.

Lets take that same scenario but lets say they make lots of changes to their
data - these users may start to see some performance hits to their available
bandwidth due to the amount of data changes being sent out to members of the

There are any number of areas that could affect the performance of Groove:
Amount of data housed or added to a workspace
Amount of changes being made to the workspaces
# of files within a workspace
Bandwidth available
Hardware specs of the machines being used
Software running on those machines (having multiple heavy applications,
tools, etc can possibly have an effect performance-wise)


I've got 12 users running about 12 workspaces on Groove 3.1, but I think this
will give you some kind of an idea of performance. The largest workspace is
1.3GB and has 3,848 files and 142 folders. We all have laptops ranging from
4 yrs old to 12 months old, all running XP Pro. On the newer machines with
more memory (1gb min), Groove runs noticeably faster than on the older
machines that have less than 1gb memory. My personal laptop also has a
7200rpm HD and this also helps Groove run faster than some of the other
laptops. We also have a brand new desktop - dual core Intel 1.8GHz, 2GB ram,
7200 rpm HD - that we use for backing up all the workspaces. The desktop
goes in and out of Groove workspaces, pulling up files, etc. seemingly
without effort...the performance is night and day compared to the
laptops...so I think if your laptops are sluggish, it's most likely a
hardware issue - processor, ram, hd speed.

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