option button/Group no on_click



I Have a set of option buttons which select the combo box
required. It's working OK on the individual buttons in
the on_click event. However when I try to group the
option buttons there is no on_click procedure.
There is: On got focus,lost focus, mouse down, move and
up, and key down, up and press?????
Thanks Mon


Thanks. I've found it. Now do I put a Case in there and
what is the syntax, please.
Thanks again

Allen Browne

Private Sub MyGroup_AfterUpdate()
Select Case Me.MyGroup.Value
Case Me.MyOption1.OptionValue
MsgBox "This one"
Case Me.MyOption2.OptionValue
MsgBox "That one"
Case Else
MsgBox "What?"
End Select
End Sub


Thanks very much. working beautifully.
-----Original Message-----
Private Sub MyGroup_AfterUpdate()
Select Case Me.MyGroup.Value
Case Me.MyOption1.OptionValue
MsgBox "This one"
Case Me.MyOption2.OptionValue
MsgBox "That one"
Case Else
MsgBox "What?"
End Select
End Sub

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.


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