Option Button on sheet changes size in 1024 by 768 resolution


Michael Tress

We have built a spread sheet that used option buttons to control selections,
within groups. The resolution used during the construction of the spread
sheet was 1280 by 1024. However, for display purposes we are constrained to
1024 by 768. Within this resolution the option button when selected grows
larger. And when selected repeatedly they grow larger still. There seems to
be a limit, but it is not reached until a option button completely obscures
its neighboring button and any text that may be near by.

During our meeting this morning we were bogged down by this poor display
issue. We would like to have the buttons remain the same size. We were not
in design mode when we were selecting the buttons.

The option buttons are not on any forms and just float above the
spreadsheet. They control a "Y" value being entered in the selected cell and
"" being placed in all other cells within the group.

Thank you in advance,


Hello Michael:

I have experienced this exact problem since acquiring a new computer
with Excel 2003 in January of this year, and it is a very serious
problem. It affects other controls (option buttons, checkboxes, etc.)
as well as the command button. If you use a button from the Forms
Toolbar, you will not have this problem. However, the functionality
and feature-set available to you is not as extensive with a Forms
button. It can activate a macro, though, and this might be all you
want to do. One problem with the button from the Forms toolbar is that
it doesn't give a good "snap action" when clicked (at least not on my
high-end laptop which is running Excel 2003).

This "controls" problem (changing size, wild behavior of fonts) has -
in my opinion - essentially disabled the use of ActiveX controls in
Excel, which I think should be regarded as a MAJOR, MAJOR problem
worthy of no-holds-barred attention of Microsoft. I know 5 other
people with the same problem, and all have different machines with MS
Office acquired independantly. It is related to the screen resolution
issue. If you create an application with 1024x768 setting - and if you
never change it - I believe things work fine. But the world is moving
to widescreen laptops, and users want their screens set to the wide
format. But doing so with Excel will cripple advanced programs using
ActiveX controls.

If you should learn of a fix - tomorrow or next year - would you kindly
let me in on it!



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