Option Button Value Zero?


Whois Clinton


I have several groups of of Option Buttons from the "Forms" toolbar on a
worksheet. Currently each group is linked to a cell and reports a numeric
value (1-5) in that cell. The values denote a scale which I want the values
to rank 0-4 instead of 1-5. Is there a way to make this change in output so
that the number results come out 0-4 instead of 1-5.


Chip Pearson

You can't change the value in the linked cell. Whatever formula or
code uses that value must do the conversion.

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP
Excel Product Group
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
(email on web site)


Option buttons have a maximum of three values, 0, 1 or Null, eqiovalent to
off, on or null, Yes, No or null. How are you getting values of 1 - 5? If
you are referring to the index numbers assigned by VBA, you would probably
have to use an array of zero base to get the 0 - 4 and use the array rather
than the button collection.

Whois Clinton

I guess I am rweferring to the index. I have tyhe group assigned to a cell
where it gives a result 1-5 depending on which button is chosen. Does this
still mean I have to use arrays etc.? If so how do I do that?

Whois Clinton

WOW Cell value minus one, s olution for excel that is so simple I couldn't
even imagine it in all my possibilites. Lol. Thanks for the clear thinking.

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