option buttons on a sub form




Hopefully someone could help. I have a database including a large table
holding student details, id, name, etc. A second table houses a list of
subjects with subject codes, 1 = English, 2 = French, 3 = Art, etc. A third
table connects these two with id and course_id. What i am trying to do is
create a subform based upon this third table where, for any selected student,
all the subject entries in the subject table are displayed in the form with
an option button next to each entry. This will enable the user to check one
or more entries for subjects taken by any particular student.

The subject entries onto the form need to be automatically displayed as the
number or subjects is constantly changing and so static links to record
fields isn't really an option.

I can get it done through a datasheet view but this isn't user friendly and
so i would require all the subjects to be displayed, with an option box next
to each.

Clear as mud?? Any ideas??

Many thanks


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