Option Buttons


Robin Clay

Greetings !

I have several InputBoxes.

I want to input values for four Boolean variables.

I know how to do it with InputBoxes, but "Option buttons"
are a closed book to me.

I would be very grateful if SKS would be so kind as to
give me some so=ample code that I might adapt for my
purpose ?

RClay AT haswell DOT com

Tom Ogilvy

You want to replace your four input boxes with a userform with 4 option

If so, just create a userform. Drag an option button to it and position it.
Repeat to get 4.

Drag a commandbutton on to the userform. Right click on the commandbutton
and select view code

Private Sub Commandbutton1_Click()
End Sub

In a general module you could use code like this to show and process the

Sub showform()
Select Case True
Case OptionButton1.Value
' code for optionbutton1 selected
Case OptionButton2.Value
' code for optionbutton2 selected

Case OptionButton3.Value
' code for optionbutton3 selected

Case OptionButton4.Value
' code for optionbutton4 selected

End Select
Unload Userform1

End Sub

Robin Clay

I had written:

Tom was kind enough to respond:
You want to replace your four input boxes
with a userform with 4 option buttons?

Do I ?
If so, just create a userform.

Pah !

"Just" create a userform, he says !

I'm lost already, already.... :(

But it was a kind thought, so Thank you, Tom.

RClay AT haswell DOT com

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