Option for No Reminders for Calendar items schduled to start in pa


Todd Greve

Currently you can set the 'Default Reminder Time' for Calendar items to be a
set amount of minutes/hours/days. For calendar items that are created which
have already passed, it would be good to have the option for these to have a
default of 'No Reminder', whereas any new ones I create in the future I do
want the notification.
I tend to use Outlook both for upcoming meetings, and to track what I have
done during the week to help me when filling out my companies time reporting
software at the end of the week. As a result will be constantly go into the
Calendar view and fill in blocks with something indicating what I did do,
then I go and dismiss all of the notifications for these. There are times
this is as a task is complete, and others as the day is complete which could
have a handful of tasks.

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suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
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