Option Group Labels in Report



Ok here's what I've got. I have a database that includes a table for
employee uniform sizes, I'm trying to conceptualize how to build the tables
to make running reports effective. Here's what I want to do. I want to be
able to enter the data in a form and run a report that shows the uniform
sizes for all employee's.
So this is what I've got so far.

idsUniformEntryID-Primary Key-Auto Number
chrEmployeeID-foreign key

So my idea is that the uniform sizes will be set up as option groups, where
Small=1, Med=2, Lg=3...etc. So when you look at the table in each row you
will see the employee number and a bunch of #'s symbolizing the uniform
sizes. The problem I'm having is when I run a report I get the employee ID,
Name, and for the uniform sizes I get a bunch of numbers. What I would like
to see on the report is the actual sizes. Is there any way to have the
report show a specific size associated with the numbers so we don't have to
have a key for what size "1" corresponds with?

I have another idea but it I think it's way to much space for what I'm
trying to accomplish. It would have the table above but instead of each
uniform field being an option group, each field would be linked to another
table with sizes specific to that uniform field (because the shirt and pant
sizes are different). With this option I end up with 8+ tables and a whole
bunch on linked combo boxes. However it is very simple for me to run a
report that shows actual sizes.

Any Ideas?


You can do it the same way on the report that you do on the
form... so an option group will work the same.

If real estate is limited, you may want to make a combobox
to show it where your bound column is your size field

RowSourceType --> Value List
RowSource --> 1;"Small"; 2;"Medium";3;"Large" ... etc
ColumnCount --> 2
ColumnWidths --> 0;2
(the main thing here is to make sure the first column is
hidden and the text specified in the second column is
displayed in the control)

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com



Ok, I'm not quite sure what you mean about doing it the same way on the
report as on the form. But I did try out the combo box idea. I knew you
could set a combo box from your own set values but I completely forgot that.
However I am not quite sure why I would need to use 1, 2, 3...etc, along with
S, M, L...etc. It seems to work fine with just the sizes, Does it need to
include the numbers or is it ok to leave them out?

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