option question



How do you for example
If you had a form with optiongroups and you set some of them to
enabled=false when a certain checkbox was checked, how do you get the form
to reenable them when you go to a different record. I got them to disenable
when a checkbox was checked, but when you go to a different record they stay
I am trying to have a master setup form for setting up selections for
another form for data entry so that only certain options are available for
that form for that individual, and as the record changes the options change
when a new record is added or when the record is viewed from record to
record depending on what was selected earlier for the individual
if you think I am going about this in the wrong way please suggest what you
think would work better

Marshall Barton

David said:
How do you for example
If you had a form with optiongroups and you set some of them to
enabled=false when a certain checkbox was checked, how do you get the form
to reenable them when you go to a different record. I got them to disenable
when a checkbox was checked, but when you go to a different record they stay
I am trying to have a master setup form for setting up selections for
another form for data entry so that only certain options are available for
that form for that individual, and as the record changes the options change
when a new record is added or when the record is viewed from record to
record depending on what was selected earlier for the individual
if you think I am going about this in the wrong way please suggest what you
think would work better

I don't know enough about what you're doing to have any
ideas about whether there's a better way or not.

In general, you should place the enable/disable code in the
form's Current event as well as in each check box's
AfterUpdate event.

Al Camp

You need to add code to the form's OnCurrent event to examnine the state
of the checkbox.
Since I don't know your field/option group names, I'll use "aircode" to
describe the sequence in "text" rather than exact syntax. Use your own
name/s, conditions, and syntax.
On the Form OnCurrent event...
If YourCheckbox = True then
YourOptionGroup.Enabled = False
Elseif YourCheckBox = False
YourOptionGroup.Enabled = True
End If

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