Optional or Empty or Missing Parameter in UDF




I want to create a UDF that accept user to enter optional parameter, but
these parameters are not really optional, they can skip this parameter or I
can define a default value for it, but they DO need to enter a comma. I don't
know how to express but something like:

=MyFunc(Param1, Optional Param2 As Variant = "", Optional Param3 As Variant
= "") As String

I have to force user to "enter" UDF like: =MyFunc("test1", , ), and display
MsgBox if they enter =MyFunc("test") or =MyFunc("test", )

I'm now stuck in the using of Optional keyword, and Variant VS Object
datatype, and IsMissing, IsEmpty or Is Nothing checking...

Please help!


Chip Pearson

I don't think you can accomplish what you want. You can't force
the user to enter commas for optional arguments, unless they are
including a subsequent argument, to the right of the commas.

I'm curious why you would want to force the user to enter
trailing commas.

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC


Hi Chip,
I'm curious why you would want to force the user to enter
trailing commas.

My UDF work depends on the parameter, but user have to enter "" (2 x double
quote for an empty string) if they don't want to specific 1 or more

So for usability, I'd like to help the user and let them enter nothing
instead of "", so my UDF will check and parse the user input:

=UDF(a, b, c)

So if a = "" -> first parameter is empty string; elseif a is nothing (i.e.
user input =UDF(, b, c) -> first parameter is an empty string (Optional
ParamA As String = "")

However, VBA will treat an optional parameter be "nothing", that mean
totally "skip" this parameter =UDF(b, c)

I hope you can understand what I mean. :)


Tony Jollans

If I understand what you are asking, the way to do it is with a Paramarray

Function MyUDF(ParamArray Args())

If UBound(Args) <> 2 Then
' Wrong number of Arguments
MyUDF = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If

If IsMissing(Args(0)) Then Args(0) = "Default A"
If IsMissing(Args(1)) Then Args(1) = "Default B"
If IsMissing(Args(2)) Then Args(2) = "Default C"

MyUDF = "All OK"

End Function

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