

Ulf Nilsson

I have a TabStrip with some OptionButtons and used the following to determ
which OptionButton the user has clicked and click on a CommandButton:

For Each cTemp In frmAImallar.Controls
If LCase(Left(cTemp.Name, 12)) = LCase("OptionButton") Then
If cTemp.Value = True Then
gsValdMall = cTemp.Caption
gfTest = True
Exit For
End If
End If

If a user click on a OptionButton, I want a short description to show in a
label. Different descriptions depending on which OptionButton is clicked. How
is this done?

/ Ulf

Ulf Nilsson

Since I have 20 OptionButtons, I thought there would be an easier way than
have 20 click events. Maybe I was wrong?

/ Ulf

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