OptionGroup Loop



Hi, I have several option groups on a form. I want to loop through them and determine their value and performan an action based upon the value. Now the code that determines there value and performs the action is simple enough. However what I am struggling with is the actual looping. No matter how I try (collection, array) it always comes back with an error that doesn't accept optiongroup as a valid object type for looping

i am using Access 97. Can anyone help?

Ken Snell

You can loop through your controls and identify which are option groups this

Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl in Me.Controls
If ctl.ControlType = acOptionGroup Then
Debug.Print "The value of this option group is " & ctl.Value
End If
Next ctl

Ken Snell

Pedro said:
Hi, I have several option groups on a form. I want to loop through them
and determine their value and performan an action based upon the value. Now
the code that determines there value and performs the action is simple
enough. However what I am struggling with is the actual looping. No matter
how I try (collection, array) it always comes back with an error that
doesn't accept optiongroup as a valid object type for looping.


Hi Ken

thank you very much. I got that working thank you

now another problem has arisen. I loop through the optionGroupVariable.controls.item(index) to extract the lable.caption and get the OptionGroupVariable.value and perform the relevant insert via recordset. this all works fine but on several option groups within my form the controls.item(index) value changes so the label moves from 0 to 4. Any ideas why?

Ken Snell

I'm sorry...I'm not understanding what you're doing here, and what is
happening? Can you provide specific examples of what your setup is, what
you're trying to find, and what you're seeing? Use real names/captions/etc.

Ken Snell

Pedro said:
Hi Ken,

thank you very much. I got that working thank you.

now another problem has arisen. I loop through the
optionGroupVariable.controls.item(index) to extract the lable.caption and
get the OptionGroupVariable.value and perform the relevant insert via
recordset. this all works fine but on several option groups within my form
the controls.item(index) value changes so the label moves from 0 to 4. Any
ideas why?

Ken Snell

One thing that jumps out at me is that you're setting the strlabelVal
variable to be the caption of the first option button/checkbox in the option
group, but you never reset it to the caption of the label for the second,
third, or fourth option button/checkbox? (If I am understanding that you
want this to change, that is.) So, in your last code block, you will always
see the same label caption -- namely, the first item's.

Ken Snell

Pedro said:
I have a form that is not bound to a table. it basically a check list. The
users need to choose one of 4 options for each item on the list. The option
group label contains the list item name. I need to retrieve this to enter it
into a table field along with the option they have chosen. There is a submit
button so that once they have entered the choices for each list item I am
then using a recordset to do the insert into the table. So I loop through
each option group extracting the label caption (list item) and the option
group value (choice for that specific list item). The problem occurs
(inconsistently) when the label capyion changes from item(0) to item(4) and
vice versa? This gives me a data type mismatch error. Here is my code:
Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()
Dim lblCaption As Label
Dim objOptGrp As OptionGroup
Dim strlabelVal As String
Dim chkOne, chkTwo, chkThree, chkFour As CheckBox
Dim rsTicklist As Recordset
Dim dbsLHSS As Database
Dim ctl As Control

'Set dbsLHSS = CurrentDb
'Set rsTicklist = dbsLHSS.OpenRecordset("tbl_tickList", dbOpenDynaset, dbAppendOnly)

For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If (ctl.ControlType = acOptionGroup) Then
Set objOptGrp = ctl
Set lblCaption = objOptGrp.Controls.Item(0)
strlabelVal = lblCaption.Caption
Debug.Print strlabelVal
Set chkOne = objOptGrp.Controls.Item(1)
Debug.Print "check 1 " & chkOne.Name '***Just me trying to find
out which list items are causing trouble.
Set chkTwo = objOptGrp.Controls.Item(2)
Debug.Print "CHECK 2 " & chkTwo.Name
Set chkThree = objOptGrp.Controls.Item(3)
Debug.Print "CHECK 3 " & chkThree.Name
Set chkFour = objOptGrp.Controls.Item(4)
Debug.Print "CHECK 4 " & chkFour.Name

'With rsTicklist
'!School = strSchoolName
'!Theme = strlabelVal
'!DateOfAssessment = dtAssessDate
Select Case objOptGrp.Value
Case Is = 1
'!GoodUpToDate = True
MsgBox strlabelVal & " 1st" *****This is just so I can
check the correct options are being submitted

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