Oracle mailmerge problem




I've juste change Oracle version (from 8i to 10g) and have problem with old
word doc which were ok with 8i odbc driver.

Error message is "not enough fields for first record". And when I try do
setup mailmerge, table choice is ok (I see all tables from database) but
there's only two strange fields : "M_" and "M__".


(with Office 2003 pro, Oracle 10g odbc client, french)

Peter Jamieson

Is there a new ODBC driver for 10g? If so, does the DSN you used to connect
reference the new driver?

Are you going through MS Query to connect to your data source? If so, does
MS Query retireve the rows correctly? If not, are you doing it in VBA or
other code? Can you show us the code?

It is quite common for word to return these strange M_ fields when it cannot
open an ODBC/OLEDB data source correctly.

Peter Jamieson



Thanks for answer.

ODBC driver is 10g version. Dsn is so updated and is ok.

Word mailmerge is automated by app (with vba) but for testing, I only use

After some last tests, I saw that problem come from CLOB fields. With some
other table without CLOB field, anything is ok.

So, it should be new odbc driver parameter (I didnt show anything).

Peter Jamieson

I don't keep current with Oracle, so can only make a couple of suggestions.

I had a look at their latest ODBC release notes (in
Ora101040\ODBCRelnotesUS.htm in the folder where I unzipped the driver code
for ODBC v. ). Although plenty of problems are mentioned in the
release notes, some involving LOBs and CLOBs, I can't see any obvious
relationship to what you're seeing, and I can't find any documentation that
describes connection string parameters later than v8 - the only one that
looks relevant is the LOB parameter and since it is to do with writes I
doubt if that is it, either.

Have you got new columns in your data source? Would it actually make sense
to revert to a previous version of the ODBC driver? Is wirting a view that
does not select the CLOB column, or issuing a query that selects everything
except the CLOB column in an OpenDataSource call an option, and does it
actually work?

Peter Jamieson

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